Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Delicious Whole Bean Coffee

By now you've probably seen the bags of whole bean coffee in your local grocery store or at least have wondered what all the fuss is about. Why go through all that trouble for a cup of coffee? There can't be that much of a difference in the quality and taste. The truth of the matter is that there is a huge difference in the taste and on top of that it saves you money over visiting your favorite coffee shop.

Of course if you're planning to purchase you're own beans you have to do a little homework and pick the beans that are right for you. This may take a little trial and error but it's well worth it once you discover your favorite roast. Coffee beans are available already roasted or green which you'll have to roast yourself. This article assumes you're in the beginning stages of coffee mastery and will be buying roasted whole bean coffee.

When purchasing your whole bean coffee freshness is the key. I've been to grocery stores where coffee beans were stored in a wooden hopper with a glass window. They provided bags that you fill to your desired capacity. What's wrong with this type of setup? Freshness. Coffee starts to lose its aroma and flavor as soon as it is roasted. So to buy your coffee from this type of setup is, in my opinion, a bad idea. It would be OK if the grocery roasted the coffee in the store that same day but most grocery stores don't roast coffee. They buy it from a roaster and have it trucked in.

If you buy your whole bean coffee from a grocer try to buy beans that have been tightly sealed or better yet do your homework and try to find out where your grocer is buying coffee and get it from the source. You can find some of the best coffee available on the internet and have it shipped directly to you. A lot of these companies will not roast and package their whole bean coffee until it's ordered which guarantees you fresh coffee every time.

When your coffee arrives you simply grind the amount needed and store the rest in an air tight container. You and your guess will enjoy and fresh pot of the most delicious coffee available every time. There are other things that contribute to the overall taste of your finished coffee such as the grinder, coffee pot and water you use but it all starts with fresh whole bean coffee.

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